Mary Comforts Eve

“The woman’s child will stomp your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15b (THE VOICE)

This image beautifully depicts Eve being comforted by Mary. Where Eve only had a mysterious promise, Mary saw the fulfillment of it thousand of years later.

We may not see God’s grand story, and we may become impatient or think He forgot about us. But alas, He is working according to His timetable.

Note 1 from my friend Eric Hoehn. “The painting is of Roman Catholic origin (painted by a Cistercian Sister). The painting shows Mary crushing the head of the serpent. It was inspired by the vulgate translation of Genesis 3:15. Rather than going with the MT “He will crush the serpents head”, Jerome went with”She will crush the serpent’s head.” They use it to support the ongoing intercession of Mary.


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